Ann Cotton – The Founder of Camfed

Ann Cotton was born in the Welsh city of Cardiff. She began her career in London where she founded an organisation for the girls who were not attending the traditional schools regularly.
In 1991, Ann went on a study trip to the rural areas of Zimbabwe to find the cause of less female participation in the schools. She decided to endow financial help to 32 girls in that village to complete their secondary education once she discovered the root cause of this issue was poverty.

A hundred thousand African girls, all of whom come from a rural background and are grappling with the tensions of poverty. Had they had the opportunity to make themselves educated, they would have envisioned working in education, health care, media, law, engineering, and so on. Imagine the impact they could have had on our society”. – Ann Cotton

Camfed- Campaign for Female Education is a nonprofit organization founded by Ann Cotton in 1993. It is working to increase educational opportunities in rural Africa that would have otherwise been denied because of poverty.
one of the organization’s most effective initiatives is the development of CAMA – a pan-African network of camfed graduates and women leaders who offer local services, use their skills to thrive in the communities, and help more girls to get educated.

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